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Rebuilding Hope: Joe’s Fight for Tsunami Victims’ Justice

Exclusive: Rebuilding Hope - Joe's Fight for Tsunami Victims' JusticeIn a heart-wrenching tale of loss, resilience, and remembrance, Joe Giardina's fight for justice and...

Remembering the 20th Anniversary of the Boxing Day Tsunami: Prayers and Tears

Remembering the 20th Anniversary of the Boxing Day Tsunami: A Heartbreaking TributeAs the 20th anniversary of the Boxing Day Tsunami approached, people gathered across...

Survival Story of Nine-Year-Old Intan Clinging to a Dead Body During Tsunami

Nine-year-old Intan Afriaty was watching cartoons with her family one Sunday morning when the Boxing Day tsunami struck. It was December 26, 2004, a...



Australian Tourists Fined and Banned from Indonesian National Park

Three Australian tourists found themselves in hot water during their visit to Indonesia, as they were recently fined and banned from a national park...

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