
Comb Jellies Unite: A Fascinating Tale of Fusion

In a marine biology lab at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, late one summer night in 2023, Kei Jokura, a postdoctoral researcher at the UK’s University of Exeter, stumbled upon a mind-boggling discovery. He entered the lab, beaker in hand, filled with a blob that appeared to be a fusion of two gelatinous comb jellies. The blob, larger than the others, left him and his colleagues in awe as they witnessed the jellies swimming and moving as a single entity.

The Astonishing Fusion Phenomenon

Mariana Rodriguez-Santiago, a postdoctoral researcher at Colorado State University, was equally amazed by the sight. The pair of researchers embarked on a series of experiments that led to groundbreaking findings published in the journal Current Biology on October 7. They unveiled that not only could two jellies merge physically, but their nervous and digestive systems fused as well, effectively becoming one.

The Enigmatic World of Ctenophores

These mysterious creatures, known as comb jellies, belong to the oldest animal lineage on Earth. Despite resembling jellyfish, they lack stingers, belonging to the phylum Ctenophora, which means “comb-bearers.” Their comb-like cilia propel them through the water, distinguishing them as a unique group for studying fundamental aspects of nervous system function.

Unveiling the Fusion Process

Jokura and Rodriguez-Santiago’s experiments revealed that the fusion process happens rapidly, with nine out of ten pairs successfully merging sensory organs and anal openings. Through time-lapse imaging, they observed the synchronization of rhythmic movements and the unison contraction of the combined organism when gently poked. Moreover, the fusion extended to their digestive systems, allowing the animals to share and expel food through both sets of anal openings.

This remarkable fusion phenomenon challenges conventional boundaries between self and other in the animal kingdom, shedding light on the evolution of nervous systems and survival mechanisms. The study opens up avenues for further exploration into the intricate neural networks and consciousness fusion of comb jellies. As scientists delve deeper into the enigmatic world of these ancient creatures, the fusion of comb jellies offers a glimpse into the extraordinary adaptability and resilience of life forms on our planet.