
Sicilian Photographer Sheds Light on Mongrel Mob Members

In a captivating series of images titled ‘The Patch’, Sicilian-born photographer and physician Davide Conti delves into the world of the Mongrel Mob, shedding light on their lives, culture, and social roots. Conti’s journey with the gang members began unexpectedly, as he found himself immersed in an environment vastly different from his native Italy.

Unexpected Encounter Leads to Photo Series

Conti’s encounter with the Mongrel Mob members started innocently enough while he was photographing fighters at a kickboxing tournament in Hawke’s Bay. Initially feeling uneasy and intimidated, Conti’s unease turned to curiosity as the gang members expressed interest in having their photos taken. This encounter marked the beginning of a unique collaboration between Conti and the Mongrel Mob.

Overcoming Cultural Differences

As Conti ventured into the Mongrel Mob’s clubhouses, he was confronted with a juxtaposition of symbols – from the gang’s insignia to remnants of Nazi-related phrases and imagery. Despite his personal struggle with his family’s history of Holocaust victims, Conti sought to capture the complexity of the gang’s identity, hoping to spark conversations about their cultural and social significance.

A Different Perspective on Gangs

Through his lens, Conti aims to challenge the traditional narrative surrounding gangs and their portrayal in the media. He believes that the recent ban on wearing gang insignia in public places may not address the underlying issues that contribute to gang culture. By humanizing the members of the Mongrel Mob, Conti hopes to foster a deeper understanding of their place in society beyond their criminal activities.

As Conti navigates the delicate balance between art and social commentary, his work serves as a poignant reminder that behind every patch and symbol lies a complex web of history, culture, and identity. By engaging with the humanity of the Mongrel Mob members, Conti invites us to question our preconceptions and biases, urging us to confront the uncomfortable truths that lurk beneath the surface of society. Through his lens, we are challenged to see beyond the labels and stereotypes, embracing a more nuanced and empathetic view of those who exist on the fringes of our collective consciousness.