
Renowned Māori Educator Dame Iritana Te Rangi Tāwhiwhirangi Passes Away at 95

Dame Iritana Te Rangi Tāwhiwhirangi, a pioneering figure in Māori education and one of the founding members of the Kōhanga Reo movement, breathed her last at the age of 95. With a rich legacy of empowering and supporting Māori development through various initiatives, Dame Iritana’s passing marks the end of an era in indigenous education.

Born in Wharekāhika on the East Coast, Dame Iritana’s lineage traced back to Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu, and Ngāpuhi tribes. Her dedication and relentless efforts to uplift and strengthen Māori communities have left an indelible mark on the landscape of indigenous education in New Zealand.

A Social Media Announcement and a Legacy to Remember

The news of Dame Iritana’s passing was shared through a poignant message on the Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust’s Facebook page, where it was revealed that she peacefully passed away in the presence of her loved ones at home. As a family, they expressed immense pride in her numerous accomplishments, highlighting her unwavering commitment to Māori education and community development.

“She did all of this without her late husband by her side, while leading, contributing, and supporting Māori development through kaupapa such as Te Kōhanga Reo, Māori Women’s Welfare League, Tu Tangata, and many other endeavors,” the post read.

Throughout her life, Dame Iritana embodied resilience, strength, and a deep sense of purpose, setting high standards and advocating for the best interests of Māoridom. Her dedication to empowering whānau and fostering self-determination among Māori communities has been a cornerstone of her legacy.

A Lifetime of Service and Advocacy

Dame Iritana was a revered figure in Māori education circles, celebrated for her tireless advocacy and commitment to advancing the rights and opportunities of indigenous people. As a life member of the Māori Women’s Welfare League, she received numerous accolades, including becoming a Dame Companion in 2009 for her outstanding contributions to Māori education.

Her work transcended boundaries and touched the lives of countless individuals, inspiring a new generation of leaders and changemakers within the Māori community. Her vision for a flourishing Reo and empowered whānau continues to resonate with those who have been touched by her legacy.

A Lasting Impact and a Final Farewell

As the news of Dame Iritana’s passing reverberated across the nation, tributes and condolences poured in from all corners of New Zealand. The Kiingitanga, a symbol of Māori unity and cultural heritage, paid homage to her legacy, acknowledging her strength, determination, and unwavering commitment to her people.

In a heartfelt post on the Kiingitanga’s Facebook page, Te Arikinui Kuini Nga wai hono i te po expressed her condolences and affirmed her attendance at the tangihana to honor Dame Iritana’s memory.

“He wahine kaha, he aarero whakatika, he ngaakau nui ki ngaa iwi puta noa. Whoatu ki Te Arikinui me ngaa mana nunui i hii ake Te Kohanga Reo. Kua pae koe ki te papa hurihanga o ngaa tuupuna, ko te pae o mahara ki a koe e kore e wawe te petapeta noa,” the post read.

Dame Iritana’s journey will culminate in a final farewell at Te Poho-o-Rawiri Marae in Gisbourne, where she will be honored and remembered for her lifetime of service and dedication to her people. As she is laid to rest at Porourangi Tawhiwhirangi Urupa, alongside her late husband and children, her spirit and legacy will continue to inspire generations to come.

In conclusion, Dame Iritana Te Rangi Tāwhiwhirangi’s legacy serves as a shining example of resilience, dedication, and unwavering commitment to empowering indigenous communities. Her impact on Māori education and cultural revitalization will be felt for years to come, as her memory lives on in the hearts and minds of those who were touched by her remarkable journey.