
Pets and Carsickness: A Common Problem

Pets are known to experience carsickness, just like humans. The negative associations with car rides can lead to anxiety, making them reluctant to get into the vehicle again. But fear not, there are ways to ease their discomfort and make your journey more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Understanding the Symptoms

Dogs may exhibit signs of carsickness by pacing, drooling excessively, licking their lips, vomiting, or defecating. On the other hand, cats can display similar symptoms like vomiting, defecation, pretending to sleep, or being lethargic and vocal. SPCA scientific officer Dr. Alison Vaughan explains that the reasons behind carsickness in pets can be a combination of motion sickness and anxiety stemming from negative associations with the car or crate.

Overcoming Carsickness

Animal behaviorist Mark Vette emphasizes the importance of creating positive experiences for pets during car rides. By breaking down travel into smaller increments and taking them to enjoyable places, you can help them associate car trips with fun. Vette suggests using clicker training to accustom pets to the car gradually, starting with short trips and increasing the duration over time.

Tips for a Smooth Ride

Dr. Vaughan recommends providing medication for anxiety and motion sickness, as prescribed by your vet. Offering chew toys for dogs and familiar bedding for cats can help comfort them during the journey. Ensuring that pets are oriented forward in the vehicle and taking regular breaks for stretching and relief are essential. For cats, having enough space in their carrier is crucial, as they may not have the opportunity to get out during the trip.

In conclusion, understanding the causes of carsickness in pets and implementing strategies to alleviate their discomfort can make traveling with your furry friends a more pleasant experience. Consult with your vet for personalized advice tailored to your pet’s specific needs and enjoy the road trip together!